At the school in Kayama where I teach small groups of children (my new part-time job, more about this in a coming update) every lesson starts with the same set of pre-defined questions such as "what is your name?", "how old are you?" etc. Today was no different, but as I get to the question "what is your favorite season?" the kids suddenly and collectively (except for the quiet girl Ayano) decide to go absolutely crazy and start screaming "suuummeeeer!!" while jumping up and down for almost half a minute. I still don't know how a question they've answered countless times before could cause such a reaction. After the classes I as always had to rush off to get to my evening classes in Yokohama, but on my way to the station I pass a little girl who almost falls of her bike as she sees me. After recovering she proceeds to speak to me in English in a stream of words she must have learnt at school: "Hello my name is Akina I'm 8 years old I live in..." she says and then subsequently gets into an argument with her friend beside her as neither of them can remember the next part. At this time the girls' bikes are creating a roadblock and more and more people are waiting impatiently behind them so I decide it's time to say goodbye and move on.
