This is my "to-do list" for this and next week...phew! (>_<)

x Go to immigration office in Shinyurigaoka to renew visa.
x Prepare for trial lesson on Thursday.
x Get registration documents from Tokai for scholarship application.
x Go to Hiratsuka town hall to get foreigner registration papers.
x Write essay for scholarship application.
x Correct and grade 200 tests from college classes.
x Finish programming on K-drum for presentation.
x Hand in documents for Tokai registration.
x Choose classes for fall semester.
x Prepare and hand in documents for scholarship application.
x Find and prepare articles for use in group-lesson on Thursday.
x Update new schedule at 7act.
x Help Yuki with English translation.
- Go to Mizuho bank in Hon-Atsugi to update address.
x Pay apartment rent.
x Have professor Miyachi write me a recommendation for scholarship application.
x Get materials from professor Ohara.
x Find a way to fix broken memory card.
x Find out about different cellphone pricing plans.
- Buy a ricecooker
x Buy new shoes.