After 7 years of silence (well, disregarding the two side projects "Live at Enyen" and "Zonelet") we have finally been able to release our desperate grip on 9 new songs and set them loose upon the world. Here is the track list for the new album:
7 years is a looong time to work on an album, but I think we finally have the "how to make music while being separated by time and distance"-thing sorted now. Anders being based in Denmark and me (Jens) currently living in Japan, the making of this album involved a lot of digital data traveling back and forth over the internet web tubes and a lot of e-mail and skype-meetings. All vocals were recorded by Anders in Denmark and sent to me for further production, with the result that I haven't actually ever met any of the vocalists in person! I hope I will have a chance to put a face to the vocals sometime.
On that note, many thanks to all the musicians who participated on this release:
- Jana Oberender
- Marie Raabye
- Anke Struve
- Karen Poulsen
- Joannes Holm
- Christian Meyer
The album is available as a digital download from now so go check it out! CDs are currently in production and links will be posted on the site as soon as they become available.
...and on a final note, we promise, PROMISE, that the next album won't take another 7 years to see the light of day...:P