Sometimes making music can be really hard...
Depending on the track it might take you no more than a couple of hours to produce something that sounds decent, or it might take weeks and weeks (sometimes months, years!) of going through countless permutations of the same song, deleting complete arrangements and starting over again and again before you come up with a satisfactory result.
The track we are currently working on unfortunately falls in the latter category...Under the working title "Gentle" the song first came to life in Anders' home studio, where Anders produced a couple of initial drafts:
Version 1
First draft was based on a simple bouncy drum groove:
Gentle - Version A by subdelay
Version 2
Second version was more ambient with huge strings making up the bulk of the arrangement:
Gentle - Version B by subdelay
Version 3
Third version Anders returned to a more rhythmical groove:
Gentle - Version C by subdelay
...and this was the point where Anders felt he'd...had enough and decided to pass the track on to me. I personally really liked the first two versions and wanted to combine them somehow, but sadly a lot of the original elements where lost due to computer trouble, so I went to work with whatever was left and began adding some new elements.
Version 4
My first draft was a breakbeat driven affair which worked fairly well in the verse but sounded terrible once it got to the chorus:
Gentle - Version D by subdelay
Version 5
My second draft, the current version which...I am still not quite sure how I feel about! :/ It does have a "Sub Delay"-sound to it I guess (to the point of being "samey"??):
Gentle - Version E by subdelay
...Meh. Back to work!